Addressing Impostor Syndrome

African American woman sitting away from peers looking stressed

Depositphotos_197795738_xl-2015_6.jpgHave you ever felt that it’s just luck or maybe lowered standards that got you to college or grad school? Or doubted that you belonged when you compare yourself to others, with thoughts like, “They had an impressive internship,” “She has traveled the world,” “He has given big presentations” (and I have not)?
If so, you might have experienced impostor syndrome, a condition that causes people to doubt their own achievements, chalking them up to luck while maintaining an internal self-concept of inadequacy or fraudulence. People with impostor syndrome are unable to take ownership of their successes. They attribute most of their success to any number of things other than themselves: lowering of standards, timing, connections, their charisma, or simply chance.  And if this feels familiar, you are not alone—research suggests that around 70 percent of people have experienced feeling like an impostor at some point in their lives!