The Science of Hope: An Interview with Shane Lopez

If someone asked you to describe “hope,” what words would come to mind? Optimism? Dreams? Plain old wishful thinking?
How about this: hope is “the belief that the future will be better than the present, along with the belief that you have the power to make it so.”
That’s the definition used by Dr. Shane Lopez, senior scientist at Gallup, who also wants us to know how useful hope can be. “Hope is the leading indicator of success in relationships, academics, career, and business—as well as of a healthier, happier life,” he says.
Dr. Lopez is spearheading fascinating new research showing that not only is hope good for your wellbeing, but it’s a measurable quality that can be increased with practice. His new book, Making Hope Happen, discusses the science behind hope and describes practical ways to improve your wellbeing by nurturing a positive, active approach to live.
Watch this video interview with Dr. Lopez to hear about his research and learn how you can use hope to change your own life.

Interview with Shane Lopez
Skip ahead in the video to hear Dr. Lopez discuss…
0:22 What hope is
0:55 Why hope is good for us
1:43 How you can use hope to achieve personal goals
2:49 The difference between hoping and wishing
4:07 How hopeful people handle obstacles in life
5:46 Hope and death
7:27 How to become a more hopeful person